Normal resales of homes, that are not short sales or foreclosures, currently represent 57% of the market. That is the highest percentage for “Normal Sales” in five years! Foreclosures were dominating the Scottsdale real estate market for many years during the crash. That has completely changed. The number of foreclosures on the market has plummeted to the lowest rate in 5 years and the number of normal sales has correspondingly surged upward.
Foreclosures hit an all time, one month high in March 2010 with 5,451 foreclosures on the market in Maricopa County. Last month, there were only 2,001 foreclosures on the market. This is down 63% from its high.
Click to see more information about current Scottsdale real estate trends or call me at (602) 791-0536. I am always happy to discuss the market.
Carmen Brodeur JD
Trillium Properties, LLC
9825 E Bell Road, Suite 120, Scottsdale AZ 85260
(602) 791-0536